Girls Haircuts Biography
After I hung up the phone, I then proceeded to spend the next two hours bawling my eyes out, reviewing the timeline to see how this could have happened. I mean, who could possibly think I was an neglectful mom???? Are you kidding me? Involving the police, who was just doing his job, or Child Protective Services is targeted for people who beat or verbally abuse their children, sexually molest them, chain them up in the basement, and starve them. I mean, calling the police because my son was playing outside on an early Fall day with no shoes on??? Any mom will tell you that this is very NORMAL behavior for a 3-year old. My children are loved, clean, well fed, cute hair, taught, involved, well adjusted, respectful, and, of course, bicker at each other like most other sibling sets.
I have my own insecurities about being a wife and mother, but I have never been neglectful or abusive. We have adopted twice… most recently finalized with our last daughter two months ago. Everyone knows that the adoption process includes State and Federal background checks, including social workers strictly analyzing our parental, personal, financial, spiritual, and emotional history.
I called my hubby to let him know what happened, only to learn that he was very sick in Mexico. Poor guy, and there was absolutely nothing much he could do to console me from there. Needless to say, that day wasn’t a highlight of my life!
We all know a single parent, and perhaps many of you are single parents. {I know we have hit a striking chord with many single dads out there with our Daddy ‘Do hairstyles, because they have written in the most wonderful and thankful emails along with beautiful photo recreations of our styles.} My older sister was a single parent for several years, as were/are a few of my best friends. Our two birthmothers were single moms, both struggling severely to rise up above the stereotypes and be able to provide a better future for their other children. Our last birthmother is currently doing all she can to finish her college degree, which we admire greatly.
Being a single parent is tough work, as my week proved to me. I marvel at those who have the courage to maintain their lives and better their personal situation, as well as those of their children, without the help {for all their various reasons} of a significant other. I don’t know that I could do it.
Just last Friday, while still in single-parent mode, I attended a Mommy Blogger conference, which was organized by LDS Philanthropies. I was so excited to meet other moms like me, who share their passions and humor online! They are a unique type of women, with extensive reach, and definitely have a special knack for sharing life-learned lessons.
You see, LDS Philanthropies brought us mommy bloggers together to ask for our help. Its mission is to look for worthy causes and then support them by organizing fundraisers where 100% of the proceeds serve that cause. Just last year, it worked to provide assistance after the earthquake in Haiti.
As a new initiative for November 2011, the organizer talked of a scholarship program for single parents in conjunction with LDS Business College {LDSBC, click to read more about the program}.
The organizer then introduced us to Megan, a very sweet single mother. It was truly inspiring to hear Megan’s story, as she shared her journey and struggles in trying to provide financially for her daughter, while going to school to make her long-term future better. See Megan’s story below:
Girls Haircuts
Girls Haircuts

Girls Haircuts
Girls Haircuts
Girls Haircuts
Girls Haircuts
Girls Haircuts

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